+27 (76) 4284585 54 Queen Victoria Street, Bank Chambers, Cape Town, South Africa 8001


Mhina’s name means “enjoyable” and “delightful” in Kiswahili.
Mhina is an interior designer that really takes time to get to know her clients, and that is something everyone loves about her. She soaks up motivation from all around her and is able to incorporate the most gorgeous textures and colors into her work. Nature inspires her, and reflects greatly into her work.
Mhina is able to bring together her love for people and decorating to create some of the best parties in Malaville. So if you’re ever in need of a party planner, Mhina is your girl.
Three words to best describe Mhina:
Inventive, Patient, Helpful
Favourite colour: Pink
Hobbies: Hiking, party planning, scrapbooking
browsing through antique shops