+27 (76) 4284585 54 Queen Victoria Street, Bank Chambers, Cape Town, South Africa 8001


Imani means “faith” in Swahili. She is the editor of Malaville Magazine and a journalist for The Malaville Journal. She is amazing at her job, and her love for reading and writing helps quite a lot. Imani is also the proud owner of “Bookworms Bookshop”, try saying that three times in a row!
Her Saturday mornings are usually spent at her bookshop, reading books to groups of children. They all love how she changes her voice for each character in the books. She always looks forward to receiving postcards from her friends Lola and Malina whenever they travel. So far, her favourites have been the ones of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, various temples in Thailand and the beaches of all of the Caribbean islands.
Three words to best describe Imani: Practical, Generous, Sincere
Favourite colour: Orange
Hobbies: creative writing, postcard collecting rock climbing, bowling