+27 (76) 4284585 54 Queen Victoria Street, Bank Chambers, Cape Town, South Africa 8001



Maisha is always on the go and always upbeat!
Her name means “life” in Kiswahili, and Maisha lives hers to the fullest. One of the most positive and outgoing people you will ever meet! She brightens up the room with her beautiful smile, so when you’re around her there is no way you can feel down.
Maisha is one of the most sought-after fashion stylist.  If you’re not sure about what to wear or how to put the perfect outfit together do not fear Maisha is there! A top graduate of the Malaville Fashion Institute, it is no surprise that she is finally launching her very own line of jewelry.
Three words to best describe Maisha:
Fearless, Adventurous, Funny
Favourite colour: Green
Hobbies: Jewellery making, bike riding, dancing,
volunteering at the local craft centre.